Your Weekly Tune Up
Celebrating Alberta's Culture
Each year, communities across Alberta celebrate Culture Days with hundreds of free, family-friendly events.
September 1st kicks off Culture Days in Alberta, a month-long celebration of art, music, food, dance and more. Throughout September, Albertans can visit numerous locations across the province to celebrate the province's rich and vibrant culture.
Last year, around 215,000 Albertans attended events in communities across the province. More than 59 communities hosted events to increase awareness, accessibility, participation and engagement of Albertans in the arts and cultural life of their communities. Find Out More

Online Searchable Legislation Tool has Been Updated and Upgraded!
This tool consolidates the OHS Act, Regulation and Code into an interactive, online resource that enables employers and workers to efficiently find and access the health and safety rules that apply to their workplace. Some of the new functions include links to information resources that match search terms, increased search functionality, improved recognition of commonly used OHS terms, spelling error forgiveness and additional filter and sorting options. Check out the updated tool now at search-ohs-laws.alberta.ca. Find out more
Creating Canada's Best Recycling Program
Albertans are using more electronics every year, with many ending up in landfills when they're no longer in use. At the same time, there are currently no dedicated programs in Canada for recycling renewable energy materials, which could create major problems in the years ahead. To keep more waste out of landfills, Alberta's government will be expanding its recycling program. Starting next year, Alberta will begin permanently recycling more than 500 additional electronic items, including cell phones, power tools and microwaves. The province will also start developing Canada's first provincial recycling programs for solar panels, electric vehicle batteries and wind turbine components. These additions will make Alberta's recycling system the most comprehensive in Canada. Find out more.

Alberta's Venture Capital Update
In the first half of 2024, Alberta companies raised an impressive $383 million across 41 deals. That has pushed us 33 per cent ahead of British Columbia, with Alberta companies securing $95 million more than our western neighbours. This is a big deal. This is the first time Alberta has surpassed B.C. Alberta's tech sector is growing very fast and it's an exciting place to be. Alberta's tech sector has been maturing for a while, but in the last five years we've hit it into overdrive with a 2.5 per cent year-over-year increase in the number of deals in Alberta. Read the statement online
Advocacy in Action
Power Production in Southeast Alberta
On August 16, the Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce was hosted by BHE Canada for an overview of both wind and natural gas power generation. We had a briefing on the operations, followed by a tour of the 130 MW Rattlesnake Ridge Windfarm near Whitla. After breaking ground 2020, the windfarm was fully commissioned in 2022 and has now been in service for two years.
Each of the 26 turbines generates up to 5MW of power with each 71 m blade weighing in at 26 tonnes. For those wondering, an average home would use about 600kWh of power per month with the turbines on this windfarm generating enough energy to supply 78,000 homes. The turbines can generate power with winds as low as three metres per second (about 10 km/h), coming a long way since the first turbines were first built in Alberta in the early 90s.
The excellence demonstrated at this facility has made the Rattlesnake Ridge Windfarm a training site for the manufacturer Siemens, bringing trainees and further economic impact to the region.
Following the windfarm tour, we travelled to the NAT-1 Gas Plant to see BHE Canada's 20 MW Peaker Plant, which was built in 2016.The plant contains ten 2-MW Cummins engines, capable of coming online when the demand for electricity is high, to help provide reliable energy quickly and seamlessly.
We were pleased to learn about power production and how energy producers work within the Alberta pooled energy market to get power onto the grid and into our homes and businesses. You can find out more about the current supply-demand in Alberta here: http://ets.aeso.ca/ets_web/ip/Market/Reports/CSDReportServlet along with the AESO Transmission Capability map here: https://aeso.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=7470f563c3634f81a4455f06a3310176.
Find out more about BHE Canada and their presence in Southeast Alberta here: https://www.bhe-canada.ca/portfolio/.

Will a Rail Disruption Impact Your Business?Â
There's been a fair bit of news lately with our railways. The Alberta Chambers of Commerce (ACC) is engaging Alberta's business community to understand impacts of rail disruptions. Your participation will take less than a minute. Share how this disruption could affect your business
The ACC urged Members of Parliament to secure stability in Canada's rail services and sent a letter to Members of Parliament for Alberta, emphasizing the significant role railways play in transporting goods worth $380 billion annually, stressing the importance of railway reliability for Alberta's businesses and Canada's trade reputation. Read the ACC letter; Read the Statement from the Canadian Chamber.Â
You can also view the joint statement from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Business Council of Canada, Canadian Federation of Independent Business, and Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters. View the Canadian Chamber and U.S. Chamber of Commerce call on Canadian government to take action and the joint letter to the Prime Minister and Ministers.
 Consultation | Competition Bureau Consultation on Greenwashing Provisions
On June 20, 2024, new provisions were added to the Competition Act that explicitly target greenwashing. Simply stated, businesses are now required to have testing or substantiation to support certain environmental claims. On July 22, 2024, the Competition Bureau launched a public consultation on the new provisions aimed at greenwashing that will inform its future enforcement guidance about environmental claims. The Bureau is looking to hear a wide range of perspectives and will carefully consider all feedback. Interested parties are invited to provide comments by September 27, 2024.

The Canadian Chamber has been very active on this file since the amendments were first introduced to the Competition Act in Bill C-59 at Committee in late May 2024. Since then, the Chamber's advocacy on the Greenwashing Amendment has been robust and as part of the next phase of advocacy, the Canadian Chamber intends on participating in the Competition Bureau's Consultation.
Consultation Details:
Title: Public Consultation on the Competition Act's New Greenwashing Provisions
Organized by: Competition Bureau Canada
Link: Competition Act's Ne w Greenwashing Provisions
If you are interested in participating, please email policy@southeastalbertachamber.ca and we can provide you with a list of questions for your input. We request expressions of interest by August 30 with a deadline for more detailed feedback by Friday, September 6. Additionally, please let us know if you have any questions or would prefer to have a virtual call to discuss the consultation in more detail.

ACC Calls for Reinstatement of Canada Alberta Job Grant
ACC has sent a letter to Members of Parliament for Alberta regarding the suspension of the Canada Alberta Job Grant (CAJG). The letter highlights the importance of upskilling Alberta's workforce for economic growth and points out that the suspension impacts small businesses significantly. The CAJG has been crucial in addressing skills shortages, especially in sectors like construction, manufacturing, and technology. The ACC urges a resolution that reinstates the program to support ongoing workforce training and development. Read the letter
Reviewing the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan
The South Saskatchewan Region is home to 44 percent of Alberta's population and is a vital economic, social and environmental area. To plan for the future, Alberta's government develops long-term, regional plans for areas that are poised for growth. Alberta's South Saskatchewan Regional Plan sets the stage for robust growth, vibrant communities and a healthy environment within the region over the next 50 years.
The province is launching a 10-year-review of the plan to help assess its ongoing relevancy and effectiveness for Albertans. Those who live and work in Alberta are invited to weigh in on the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan, which is under review for the first time. Find out more

Next Level Events

Free Esplanade concert "a gift from the British Army"
The Band of the Household Cavalry is the largest military band in the United Kingdom and represents the most senior regiments in the British Army with a history dating back to 1660. They military band will be performing a free concert at the Esplanade Arts & Heritage Centre on Saturday, August 31 at 7 p.m. The concert is non-ticketed and is first-come, first-seated.
The Band of the Household Cavalry concert will feature 50 musicians performing on the Esplanade's main stage under the baton of Director of Music and Officer Commanding, Major Craig Bywater BMus (Hons) MMus. The concert will feature soloists, Cavalry Trumpets, film music and more. The Band is celebrating 10 years since their amalgamation in September 2014 of the Band of the Life Guards and the Band of the Blues and Royals. Find out more.
Save the date for the next Municipal Mingle!
You are invited to the fourth Municipal Mingle: an in-person public engagement event, scheduled for Thursday, September 12 from 4 to 7 p.m. at Towne Square.
This in-person event is an opportunity to interact with representatives from various City departments and ask questions about existing and new initiatives. There will also be food trucks, games, a snow plow, sander, and fire truck on-site!
Bonus! Attend Municipal Mingle and enter in a draw to win two tickets to Sam Roberts Band and the Strumbellas and local band Vanity Trip live at Co-op Place on September 13, 2024. Read more in the City of Medicine Hat's latest 'Neat to Know"

Committee Meetings Starting Up Soon!
September is just around the corner, and that means one thing... committee meetings are back! Check out our Chamber Calendar for who is meeting when and where: https://chamber.southeastalbertachamber.ca/chambercalendar
Interested in joining a committee OR even starting one up? Reach out to us, we would love to talk about it with you! https://chamber.southeastalbertachamber.ca/contact
Grand Opening for Diaz Osteopathy & Massage
Support your business community and join us in celebrating the grand opening of Diaz Osteopathy & Massage! There will be a draw to win a free osteopathic treatment for everyone who is present for the "What is Osteopathy?" presentation by Nacho Diaz, which will include live demonstrations and a Q&A period. Volunteer as a patient for his presentation and get a 10% discount. There will be coffee, desserts for you to enjoy, and a ribbon cutting at 6:35 PM. More Here

Rural Peer Support Fundamentals Training
Stigma-Free Mental Health has collaborated with Sara Riel Inc. to offer a comprehensive 2-day training for rural residents. Trainees will gain knowledge on a variety of topics regarding peer support fundamentals and will learn how to foster supportive spaces for discussions about mental health, use your personal experiences to help others, and create change in your community. Join the next training on September 17th and 24th from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm PDT/ 10:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT. Learn more and register for Rural Peer Support Fundamentals Training Now!
Enriching Your Business

There's a reason Chambers Plan is Canada's #1 plan.
Contact JoAnne Letkeman,
Exclusive Chamber Group Advisor,
403-504-2166 ext 1.
Fueling the Business Community
We would like to welcome Kopper Electric, Crossroads Clinic Association, and Space Arcaders Ltd. to the Chamber Family!Â
We continually look forward to helping our members during their business journey and wish each the best in all future endeavors. We are extremely happy to have such amazing members, and are very glad that we can serve a part in that journey! Keep your eye out for more new member posts moving forward!

Scotiabank Charity Golf Classic for MH Women's Shelter Society
Scotiabank presents the 22nd annual Charity Gold Classic for the MH Women's Shelter Society. Happening Thursday, September 5th its $175/ golfer or $700/ team. Includes lunch, cart, golf, buffet dinner and more!
 Happening at the Medicine Hat Golf & Country Club
Lunch at 12:00 PM| shotgun start at 1:00 PM | Dinner & awards at 6:30 PM
Register now: Scotiabank Group Presents the 22nd Annual Medicine Hat Women's Shelter Society's Charity Golf Classic (zeffy.com)
Funds raised through registrations and sponsorships prior to August 31st will be matched up to 50% through Rogers Birdies for Kids presented by AltaLink.
*This is a paid advertisement

Disclaimer: * To qualify for the promotion, you must sign up for a new payment processing account with Elavon Canada between July 1st and August 31, 2024. Merchant accounts must be activated and actively processing payment transactions by September 15, 2024 for a minimum of one week and be in an open status at the time of the incentive credit. A one-time $150 credit will be applied to your Elavon statement within 90 days after the first deposit date. Limit one credit per customer. Cannot be combined with another offer. Elavon reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify, suspend or terminate the promotion at any time without additional notice. Restrictions may apply. Services provided by Elavon Canada Company.
Elavon Limited Time Promotion: $150 Statement Credit Offer for New Chamber Members
Throughout the months of July & August, any new member who signs up through our Chamber Referral Program will receive a $150 statement credit! How Members Can Participate:
- Submit a web inquiry through the Elavon Chamber landing page (https://join.paymentstart.com/cachamber).
- Our dedicated sales representatives will promptly reach out for a consultation within 24- 48 hours.
- Complete the sign-up process by August 31st, 2024, and members will be qualified to receive $150 Statement credit
Our point of sale solutions allow you to securely accept payments. From credit and debit cards to Google Pay and Apple Pay, you can feel confident that each transaction will be secure. We also have a selection of payment solutions that are equipped with the latest technology to assist you with your business needs, including inventory management, staff timekeeping, invoicing, and more!
Visit join.paymentstart.com/cachamber to learn more.
Fill Up On Funding
The Historic Downtown Great Big Giveaway!
Show your love for some of our local Downtown businesses and potentially win great prizes, enter Tourism Medicine Hat's Historic Downtown Great Big Giveaway! Shop at participating Historic Downtown businesses for a chance to win a grand prize of $1,500 in cash! How to enter:
- Shop at participating Historic Downtown businesses for a chance to win $1,500 cash. Each purchase* is an entry.
- With each purchase, you're also entered to win a gift card from the participating business.
- Bonus Giveaway! Post a photo of the business where you shopped, tagging @tourismmedicinehat, to be entered into a bonus draw for a $500 gift card to a Historic Downtown business of your choosing.
Terms and conditions apply. Learn more

CFSEA Launches Fall Grant Cycle
The Community Foundation of Southeastern Alberta opened their Fall 2024 Community Grants applications. All registered charities, qualified donees, and non-profit groups are welcome to apply. They have updated Grant Guidelines, which agencies are encouraged to review on their website. The Community Foundation of Southeastern Alberta has four rural community funds - Cypress County Community Fund, Brooks & District Community Fund, the Rural Community Fund of Forty Mile, and the Prairie Crocus Community Fund (including Special Areas 2, 3, 4 and the MD of Acadia. Grant applications from these regions will be reviewed by local advisory committees familiar with the area and needs within their community. All applications will be reviewed by the Grants Committee which is comprised of Board Members and knowledgeable community members. The committees consider all eligible applications and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. CFSEA prioritizes impact and equitable regional support. If you want to learn more about CFSEA's Community Grants, email grants@cfsea.ca and visit the Community Grants page at www.cfsea.ca . Deadline to submit an online application is September 16th at noon.
Northern and Regional Economic Development Program Opens September 16
The Northern and Regional Economic Development Program in Alberta has updated its terms to accept applications for projects lasting up to three years, with funding ranging from $10,000 to $300,000. The application window now extends an additional month, closing on December 6, with applications opening on September 16. To date, the program has supported 144 projects. Indigenous-led applications are eligible for up to 75% funding, while others may receive up to 50%. Learn more and find out about what's changed.

Brooks-Newell Region News

2024 Brooks Home + Leisure Tradeshow
We are excited to bring Southeast Alberta's largest and longest running tradeshow to Brooks this fall. Booths are still available and selling fast, Oct 4,5,6 at JBS Canada Centre. Booths start at just $625 (members get 10% discount) and included pipe and drape, table, 2 chairs and dedicated power outlet. Limited bulk space is available for anyone wanting a larger show presence and more square footage. Food vendors are welcome. Artisan and home based business's can purchase space in our dedicated artisan market for a reduced price.
Learn more and Register here: https://chamber.southeastalbertachamber.ca/chambercalendar/Details/2024-brooks-home-leisure-tradeshow-1094191?sourceTypeId=WebsiteÂ
Annual Sustainability Award is Open for Nominations!
Do you know a business in Brooks that has...
Demonstrated environmental sustainability is a core business goal.
Used products/materials (could be recyclable or second-hand) that reduces their environmental impact.
Made upgrades or changes that reduced waste, energy or water consumption.
Implemented methods to become more environmentally sustainable.
Created a product or service that is environmentally sustainable, or
Worked with other sustainable businesses or organizations.
EcoBrooks wants to recognize them! Fill out the nomination form before the November 1st deadline and give that business the chance to win! Find out more

Community Information Registration Night
Sports organizations, clubs, non-profits, and business can promote their programs and sign-ups on September 4th from 4:00 - 6:30 p.m. in the Fieldhouse at the JBS Canada Centre. To reserve your spot email jmarion@brooks.ca. Find out more
**Special thanks to LarkSpur News for information and resources shared**
Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle Answers
Did you figure it out? Here are the answers for the August 19th crossword puzzle.
Remember that subscribing to our weekly email gets you access to the crossword puzzle. Anyone who sends us their answers will get their name put into our quarterly draw.
The prize? Receive 5 promotional credits with us (for members) or credit towards a membership (for non-members)! Oh and bragging rights that you're a crossword master.
Other News
Government of Alberta- Culture and Status of Women Grants
Labour Market Notes - Labour market conditions continue to ease
Labour Market InSight - Underlying strength in Albert's labour market
Other Events
June 15 - Sept. 7 | Block Party @ Towne Square | More Info
Support your community | Grand Openings Calendar
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