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Work Integrated Learning

Fuelling our business community by partnering to provide work experience.

Work integrated learning connects local businesses with local talent and drives growth.

Access Student Talent

The Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce has partnered with the Medicine Hat College and Ryerson University to help businesses connect with post-secondary students who are available for co-op work terms, practicums, project work, as well as other experiential learning opportunities through our Work Integrated Learning (WIL) connections.

What is Work Integrated Learning?

WIL experiences connect students’ academic experiences with real world experiences relevant to their education to help prepare them for future careers. WIL also provides value to employer partners, bringing current ideas, knowledge, and best practices from their academic experience to share with the business partner. Student work placement activities can include, but is not limited to:

  • mentorship programs;
  • co-op placements;
  • practicums;
  • applied research projects; and
  • internships

At the Chamber, we have always seen the value in connecting and engaging our youth. We've hired many amazing students over the years to provide them with work experience and help our organization. 

Watch this video to hear about one of our success stories.

Why Should I Participate?

Increase Productivity

Add temporary resources to your organization that will enable you to be more productive.

Increase Awareness

Raise awareness of your organization and industry.

New Ideas

Access innovative ideas that students bring.

Prepare for the Future

Build a strong talent pipeline.

How to Get A Placement


Local Students

Various Medicine Hat College departments have placements and projects throughout the year. This ranges from the departments of Business to Technology studies to Art and Design. Opportunities range from short term practicums to summer-long paid internship placements. The majority of placements occur near the end of each winter semester (April) and on into the summer.

A more comprehensive list can be accessed here

Businesswoman Interviewing Male Job Candidate In Seating Area Of Modern Office

Employment Connector

Powered by Magnet, job seekers and businesses can access a free to use digital platform that uses intelligent matching technology to connect employers with talent and make recruitment efforts easy and efficient.

Using the Outcome Campus Connect functionality, one click sends your posting to 85+ post-secondary institutions across Canada. Employers can also opt to send postings to specific schools.

Sign up here

Employers: Next Steps

While WIL worksite responsibilities may change according to program, in general, the responsibilities of a WIL business partner are as follows:

  1. Complete and sign the Medicine Hat College WIL Partner Agreement and ensure it is and returned to the college prior to any student participating in the WIL experience.
  2. Provide the WIL opportunity for the agreed-upon period to meet the needs of the WIL experience.
  3. Inform the college of any accident, incident or unusual occurrence related to the student and the WIL experience or at the WIL site.
  4. Report student Workers’ Compensation Board incidents/injuries according to the information as provided by the college.
  5. Review the WIL Partner Checklist and follow up with any questions with the program contact prior to the WIL experience.
  6. Provide a reasonable orientation to the workplace and objectives of the same appropriate to the nature and type of WIL experience.
  7. Have reasonable rules regarding health and safety in place and explain those policies to the student during orientation.
  8. If requested and discussed as part of the arrangement with the college, provide evaluation and feedback on the student’s performance and discuss it with the student.
  9. Make the experience meaningful by providing learning opportunities so students can gain the most from the WIL experience.

If you are a business and you would like to post a placement, please submit your job opportunity here by creating an account and submitting your job posting. You may also post a position to the Medicine Hat College Job Board here.

Students: Next Steps

Local businesses are looking for local talent.

  1. Search our job board to find relevant opportunities.
  2. Seach the Medicine Hat College Job board.
  3. Take stock of your skills and experience
  4. Create a resume and cover letter.
  5. Create your free profile on our employment connector to highlight your skills, experience, and relevant certifications.
  6. Once your account is active, you’ll receive updates and information to help you make the best decisions for your career, including:
    • New training programs for in-demand jobs.
    • Research on the future of Canada’s industries and job market.
    • Information on wage subsidies and funding that can support your career.
    • Updates on government policy and support programs for workers in transition.
    • Insight into expected earnings based on level of education, job location, field of study, and skills.
  7. When employers post jobs that match your skills, you’ll be alerted and invited to apply.
  8. In addition to opportunities from employers, you can also receive invitations to apply for jobs posted by 20,000+ other employers on the portal.
  9. Diversity Self-ID offers job seekers the option to securely identify as a member of an employment equity group. Your declaration is kept confidential, but allows you to receive job invites from employers looking to diversify their workforce.

Looking to find out more?

Talk to us about your talent needs and we can assist by answering any questions you have about working with post-secondary students and based on your needs, we will connect you with the appropriate post-secondary school(s) and continue to be available to answer your questions throughout the process.
We will match you with the program of interest to you and your business.

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